was born in 1984, which means I am categorized within the demographic
group of millennials. I would be considered to be on the older side
of Gen Y'ers. It states that by this time we have already started our
careers. It also states that many of us are becoming parents for the
first time leading to extreme life style changes. I agree with all of
that so far. It says the no group was hit harder then the millenials.
I did have a rough start with my career and had to change paths a
couple of times due to the sudden economical drop within our country.
The employment rate dropped dramatically and I had to think of ways
as an entrepreneur to manage my life style and stay within the
industry I wanted to be in. Right now we are starting to see a rapid
growth in technology and we are considered tech savy so the future
does look some what promising. On the bottom I copied and pasted the
explanation on generation Y and millenials. I would say that It is
pretty accurate.
Millennials are people born between 1979 and 1994. Initially, Millennials were a smaller cohort than baby boomers. However, due to immigration and the aging of the boomer generation, the seventy-seven million Gen Yers in the United States passed the boomers in total population in 2010. Millennials are currently in two different stages of the life cycle. The youngest members of Gen Y, born in 1994, are just entering young adulthood. In contrast, the oldest Gen Yers, born in 1979, turned thirty-five years old in 2014. They have started their careers, and many have become parents for the first time, leading to dramatic lifestyle changes. They care for their babies rather than go out, and they spend money on baby products. Gen Yers already spend more than $200 billion annually; over their lifetimes, they will likely spend about $10 trillion. No group was hit harder by the Great Recession of 2008–2009 than the Millennials. Many found their newly launched careers stalled or their jobs eliminated. By 2012, the employment rate for people ages twenty-one to thirty-five dropped to seventy-two percent from eighty-four percent in 2000. The lucky ones have been able to keep their jobs during the difficult economic times and are making major purchasing decisions such as cars and homes; at the very least, they are buying computers, MP3 players, smart phones, tablet computers, and sneakers.
Millennials people
born between 1979 and 1994
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