Friday, November 25, 2016


"To earn a profit, managers must choose a price that is not too high or too low—a price that equals the perceived value to target consumers." (Lamb, H.  Fundamentals of Marketing 9th Edition 20-1b)Each standard box of Pumpkinettes will be sold at $7.00 per box. This is an affordable price within the vegan food category. Not only that, but the average shopper in stores like Whole Foods make an average of $125,000 or more annually. For a box of healthy iron packed, chocolate covered vegan pumpkin seeds $7.00 is more then affordable. Vegans tend to run into iron deficiencies when they first began because their not used to finding alternatives."Price is an important competitive weapon and is very important to the organization because price multiplied by the number of units sold equals total revenue for the firm." (Lamb, H.  Fundamentals of Marketing 9th Edition 2-9d). This treat is not only sweet and tasty but can help the eager vegan sustain enough iron in there bodies through out the day. At $7.00 per box and low overhead cost, we can manufacture enough of these treats to provide at least 25% of Americas healthy consumers and generate $612,500,000 in total revenue on the first year after manufacturing plants are in place. "Price is what a buyer must give up in order to obtain a product. It is often the most flexible of the four Ps. The quickest element." (Lamb, H.  Fundamentals of Marketing 9th Edition 2-9d.

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